My Other Daughter (& Her Beautiful Family)

Most of you have seen thousands of pictures of my daughter Zara, but many of you didn’t know that I have another daughter, Jackie. Jackie is the daughter of my heart, if not my “legal” daughter.

I met Jackie way back when she was 17 years old and first saw me as a patient. She has since grown into a beautiful, smart, and successful woman: a finance guru, wife and mother of two phenomenal children. She’s the type of woman you hope your daughter will become.

When I heard that my dear daughter was planning to take her kids to Sears for updated pictures, I think my head exploded. She assured me that this was not meant as an insult to my “art,” but was rather being done just for the sake of convenience. But in true Mommy fashion, I then proceeded to sulk and sigh heavily with enough guilt that she and the two munchkins showed up for photos within the next week. (Yes, I do that mommy-guilt thing well!)

So instead of some photos (and I use the term loosely) from Sears Portrait Studio, she ended up with these lovely memories:

One year old KD is so gorgeous:

And then we have the many faces of CJ:

As a family, they are utterly gorgeous:

I even got to get a little creative with some shots:

Now isn’t this a lot better than Sears?

  • Joanna - Amazing work! I’m blown away.ReplyCancel

    • Liana - Thanks Joanna! I still look at my pics and think, “I should have angled differently” or other you shoulda overly perfectionistic thoughts. So it’s great to get others’ perspectives and feedback. I love it!ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Ridgley - Awesome pics as always. Start getting your ideas for Christmas! LOLReplyCancel

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