Monthly Archives: July 2012

Today is the birthday of an amazing young woman who used to be my patient back in the day. She is now a fully grown sista with education and skills that do my heart proud. Just a few minutes ago I was checking in on my Facebook stream before packing it in on a night […]

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I remember once several years ago, I posted a photo on the Nikonians board of little Zara blowing a dandelion. I mentioned in the comments about the shot that we had gone for a walk when she started picking the dandelions and blowing them. I then had to run back home to get my camera […]

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I may have mentioned (or neglected to mention) that last year was the first year that I attempted to photograph fireworks. Well due to the disastrously late arrival we had at the location and my attempting to set up in the dark with a penlight, my efforts were less than spectacular. This year, however, I […]

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