The Little Running Man

Saturday morning was a treat. I headed out to do a family mini-shoot on a beautiful blue-sky morning.

Upon arriving, I was greeted by Kristine, Jason and my new buddy, William, who also became known during the shoot as The Little Running Man (or Running Guy, if you prefer!). You will soon see why he got that moniker.

But first, I’ve got to tell you how much fun it was to work with such a great family. I was a little sorry that it was a mini-shoot as I could have filled several CF cards with photos of this comely trio. And two-year-old William was so excited to head outside and take pictures with Mommy & Daddy. Sometimes the munchkins are shy or reserved. Not my Little Running Man. Such an adorable cutie pie!

We started with some relaxed shots on the deck to get started.

It soon became clear that William thought the best way for me to capture his essence was for him to run, run, run, and dare both me and The Precious (my camera) to keep up. Clearly he didn’t know how ancient I am, despite being the mom of a 4-year-old! But hey, I gave it my best.

We coaxed him back into position by giving him a special spot on the deck  just for him. I got this one before he was off and running again:

It was so cute!

When we moved to the side of the shed for the next set-up, William decided it was truly on like Teflon! He became the Little Running Man in earnest.

Just too much!  😀

Mommy & Daddy were able to corral him for a few nanoseconds for a very sweet shot:

Then we moved out front to our last location, where he ended up getting a lift from Mommy & Daddy:

(I totally love this shot and would kill for someone to take our family picture and have us look as effortlessly gorgeous as this family does. Though this would involve a generous application of Photoshop’s editing, de-aging, de-rotunding properties in our case! 😆 )

But they let him down and he was able to get his run on again:

A-ha, Mommy & Daddy, I have escaped your clutches and am now free to run again!

I did manage to get him to sit still for some amazing portraits. Oh the hair! The eyes! Watch out Jason & Kristine. He causes instant meltage of the heart.

Is there a better way to spend a Saturday morning than with a little running man and his family? I just don’t think so.

  • kristine - I just read this and looked at the images again with a HUGE smile on my face!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Jill - These are absolutely beautiful!!!ReplyCancel

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