A Ride on the North Pole Express

Today was a lovely do-nothing day. With work closed and the kidlet here with me, I thought it would be great to take in the latest episode of Murray the Elf playing at the Act II theater in Ambler. Imagine my surprise to see that the play had been completely sold out. Who would have thought it?

So the munchkin then suggests that we go ride the North Pole Express (otherwise known and the New Hope-Ivyland Railroad). We stopped home to grab my camera and off we went.


Neither of us realized how much drama would ensue from her carrying around her “buddy elf” Snowflake. Most people didn’t realize that there were two types of elves on the shelves. The original type that reports to Santa cannot be touched by children but the companion buddy elves can be touched.  wpid1616-20141223-DSC_0298web.jpg wpid1618-20141223-DSC_0300web.jpg

7 1/2 years old and still as cute as a button. wpid1620-20141223-DSC_0302web.jpg wpid1622-20141223-DSC_0303web.jpg wpid1624-20141223-DSC_0305web.jpg wpid1626-20141223-DSC_0307web.jpg wpid1628-20141223-DSC_0309web.jpg

Finally convinced her to put the elf down!

Do not know what this was all about:

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